Quote of the day
Anyone who, drawing on the strength of his precise reaction to a work of art, has ever subjected himself in earnest to its discipline, to its immanent formal law, the compulsion of its structure, will find that objections to the merely subjective quality of his experience vanish like a pitiful illusion: and every step that he takes, by virtue of his highly subjective innervation, towards the heart of the matter, has incomparably greater force than the comprehensive and fully backed-up analyses of such things as ‘style’, whose claims to scientific status are made at the expense of such experience.
Minima Moralia, Theodor Adorno, p.70
Wer jemals aus der Kraft seines präzisen Reagierens im Ernst der Disziplin eines Kunstwerks, dessen immanentem Formgesetz, dem Zwang seiner Gestaltung sich unterwirft, dem zergeht der Vorbehalt des bloß Subjektiven seiner Erfahrung wie ein armseliger Schein, und jeder Schritt, den er vermöge seiner extrem subjektiven Innervation in die Sache hineinmacht, hat unvergleichlich viel größere objektive Gewalt als die umfassenden und wohlbestätigten Begriffsbildungen etwa des »Stils«, deren wissenschaftlicher Anspruch auf Kosten solcher Erfahrung geht.
reproach: 치욕, 꾸짖다
indignation: 분개, 격분, wrath
innervation: 신경분포(의), 신경감응(생)
immanent: 내재하는
idiosyncracy: 특이성
Zwang: force
Gestalltung: layout, formation, composition, structure
sich unterwerfen: to subjugate, subject sb/sth
zergehen: melt, dissolve, vanish
Vorbehalt: reservation, objection
bloß: merely
armselig: pitiful
Schein: appearance, illusion
vermögen: be able to, be capable, by virtue of
hineinmachen: put in, (step) take
Gewalt: violence, force
umfassenden: comprehensive
wohlbestätigten: fully backed-up
Begriffsbildungen: analyses
Stils: style
Anspruch: claim, right
Journey and Journal
회사동료 중에 통계학을 집중적으로 공부하는 이가 있다.
학부로 철학을 전공한 그는 나보다도 철학서적과 족보에 더 통하지만,
주체를 부정하는 입장을 취하는 그는 스스로와 단절되어 있다는 인상을 주기도 한다.
어제는 식사 양을 잘 조절해 먹고 식후 산책도 하였다.
한치의 흐트러짐 없도록 삶을 수행으로 받아들이고 싶다.
통계나 수치화를 통한 통제가 아닌 내면의 변이능력.